4-HO-MET fumarate 1.0g | #068c – Scheduled in UK, …

Research Chemicals - SYNTHARISE » Product Page » 4-HO-MET fumarate | SRISEC068 » 4-HO-MET fumarate 1.0g | #068c – Scheduled in UK, …

1.0g of 4-HO-MET fumarate

Not available in UK and other countries where scheduled. Review the laws in your country before ordering.

Chemical Name 3-{2-[Ethyl(methyl)amino]ethyl}-1H-indol-4-ol fumarate, 4-HO-MET fumarate
Purity ≥98%
Packaging In a UV resistant bag.
Appearance off-white powder
CAS# 77872-41-4 (freebase)
Melting Point N/A
Molecular Weight 334.372g/mol
Molecular Formula C13H18N2O.C4H4O4
Solubility Soluble in H2O, DMSO, methanol
Storage Store in a tightly sealed container in a cool, dry area.

SMILES: CCN(C)CCc1c[nH]c2c1c(ccc2)O



For research purposes. Not for use in-vivo.

3rd Party Analysis: H-NMR of 4-HO-MET Fumarate

MSDS; MSDS of 4-HO-MET Fumarate

Links for further data on 4-HO-MET Fumarate:





Price: $145.00

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